Driving Directions

You can reach our office at 2310 SE Clatsop by driving South from Portland on McLoughlin Blvd. or by driving East on Tacoma Blvd to McLoughlin Ave. and take the exit south on McLoughlin Blvd.  If you are coming from 82nd Blvd., take Johnson Creek Blvd. to McLoughlin Blvd., take the exit South on McLoughlin Blvd.  Clatsop Street is one block south of the Tacoma

ProCom Technologies, LLC


Fax 503-233-8052




Physical Address:

2310 SE Clatsop St.

Portland, OR  97202


Mailing Address:

PO Box 22288

Portland, OR  97269





2310 SE Clatsop St.     

Portland, OR 97202

Text Box: ProCom
Text Box:     503-797-0000    fax 503-233-8052

*2310 SE
